Jennifer Tapiero as Sally, a junior college student, meets Randal Miles as Capt. Bruce William Cambell, a confederate civil war ghost soldier, in Mansion of Blood written and directed by Michael Donahue

Jennifer Tapiero as Sally, a junior college student, meets Randal Miles as Capt. Bruce William Cambell, a confederate civil war ghost soldier, in Mansion of Blood written and directed by Michael Donahue


About Picture

Caption: Jennifer Tapiero as Sally, a junior college student, meets Randal Miles as Capt. Bruce William Cambell, a confederate civil war ghost soldier, in Mansion of Blood written and directed by Michael Donahue

About Mike Donahue

Director, Writer, Producer
Known for: Pooltime (2010), Mansion of Blood (2015), Atomic High (2016), The Extra (2015)
Source: IMDB
