Gene Michael Smith 1 pictures

Miscellaneous Crew, Assistant Director, Art Department
Moved to Wilmington, North Carolina in 1998. "Dawsons' Creek" filmed locally, and worked off and on for four years sadly as an extra... Sophomore year in high school, he directed a play for his English class. He later applied to film school at UNC-Greensboro. At the end of freshmen year he was hired as a PA/Vid Assist for "National Lampoons Pucked" ...

Born: July 14, 1985
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 6' 4½" (1.94 m)
Known for: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014), The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014), The Blind Side (2009), Due Date (2010)