The cast of "Sweet Caroline." (2014-) From l to r, Paul Fanning as Darrell, Eric Michael Kochmer as Caesar Julius, Victoria Ippolito as April Mae, LarJayne Blackwell as Margaret Rose, John Bigham as Cletus and Carolyn Meyer as Sweet Caroline McCluskey.

The cast of


About Picture

Caption: The cast of "Sweet Caroline." (2014-) From l to r, Paul Fanning as Darrell, Eric Michael Kochmer as Caesar Julius, Victoria Ippolito as April Mae, LarJayne Blackwell as Margaret Rose, John Bigham as Cletus and Carolyn Meyer as Sweet Caroline McCluskey.

About Zack Van Eyck

Writer, Actor, Director
Source: IMDB

Zack Van Eyck is a film and television writer, director and producer living in Los Angeles. His produced features include the romantic comedy "Jupiter Landing" (2005), the award-winning auto racing film "Daytona Dream" (2010) and the indie comedy "Three of One Kind" (2013). His mocku-reality TV series "Sweet Caroline" is scheduled for release in ...
