Caption: PPPL - Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey; December 1982. V. Alexander Stefan, (b.1948), lecturing on Parametric Radio Frequency Plasma Heating and Current Drive in a Tokamak at Lower Hybrid Frequency Range, [Stefan and Tikhonchuk: Physical Review Letters, 48, 14761479 (1982)]. With Thomas Howard Stix, (1924-2001), his host, at the controlled thermonuclear fusion device PLT Princeton Large Torus. Apparently, Stefan needs further info, (about that spot he points at), by Tom Stix. Depicted in Rule Tom, Tom Rule the Plasma Waves in Stefans My Passion, (S-U-Press, La Jolla, California, 2008).
Director, Producer, Writer
Born: February 5, 1948
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Known for: Elvis Aaron Presley, We Miss You (2015), Montenegrins: The Mighty Race of the Mountaineers, Says Lord Tennyson (2013), Doctor Faustef (Versus Lucifer in the Fight for Immortality of the Human Race) (2009), The Magus and His Baby Courtesan (2005)
Source: IMDB
The author of Doctor Faustef, a novel about Doctor Faustef in the search for human immortality. Faustef fights Lucifer the Devil; travels through time, meets the greats of the human race, defeats Lucifer, and achieves immortality. The author of the screenplay, Doctor Faustef. Educated in Podgorica, Montenegro; Belgrade, Serbia; Moscow, Russia. V. ...