Finneas O'Connell singing with his band The Slightlys. Venice Beach for the book promo of Kalifornia Blu

Finneas O'Connell singing with his band The Slightlys. Venice Beach for the book promo of Kalifornia Blu


About Picture

Caption: Finneas O'Connell singing with his band The Slightlys. Venice Beach for the book promo of Kalifornia Blu

About Finneas O'Connell

Actor, Soundtrack
Known for: Bad Teacher (2011), Life Inside Out (2013), Fallout 4 (2015), Glee (2009)
Source: IMDB

Finneas O'Connell is an American actor and musician who plays Alistaire in the Fox TV series Glee and stars as Shane in the award winning independent feature Life Inside Out. He is also known for his portrayal of the character Spencer (Twilight) in Columbia Pictures' Bad Teacher, has a recurring role on ABC's Modern Family and appears in the ...
