Ichika Mochizuki is a professional Japanese young actress who does both TV and Film works. This film, Mislead (2011) is her best acting work in terms of the cinematic values. She played the protagonist Hikari, and she moved so many audiences by her sensitive performance.

Ichika Mochizuki is a professional Japanese young actress who does both TV and Film works. This film, Mislead (2011) is her best acting work in terms of the cinematic values. She played the protagonist Hikari, and she moved so many audiences by her sensitive performance.


About Picture

Caption: Ichika Mochizuki is a professional Japanese young actress who does both TV and Film works. This film, Mislead (2011) is her best acting work in terms of the cinematic values. She played the protagonist Hikari, and she moved so many audiences by her sensitive performance.

About Ichika Mochizuki

Source: IMDB

Ichika Mochizuki is a Japanese actress/model. She mainly does commercial film works, such as Nikon Coolpix P310 (2012), Kaou(2012), Sega PlayStation (2012), Docomo (2012), Panasonic (2012) and so forth. In 2011, she made the first film ''Mislead(2011)'' which is a crime drama. In that film, she played Hikari who reflects her own social status, and ...
