"Sunny in the Dark" producer Shanda Munson, left, and cast members Jay Huguley and Hannah Ward pose for photos at the opening night of the Heartland Film Festival and premiere of "Room," Friday, Oct. 16, 2015.


About Picture

Caption: "Sunny in the Dark" producer Shanda Munson, left, and cast members Jay Huguley and Hannah Ward pose for photos at the opening night of the Heartland Film Festival and premiere of "Room," Friday, Oct. 16, 2015.

About Hannah Ward

Height: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Known for: Sunny in the Dark (2015), The Evil Inside (2011), It Happened Again (2014), 3AM @ Roxy's (2012)
Source: IMDB

Hannah Ward is an actress, known for Sunny in the Dark (2015), The Evil Inside (2011) and It Happened Again (2014).
