Groucho Marx lying down on a couch for "The Night After a Day at the Races," 1936. Silver gelatin, printed later, 11x14, estate stamped. Silver gelatin, printed later, 15x19, signed. © 1978 Ted Allan MPTV

Groucho Marx lying down on a couch for


About Picture

Caption: Groucho Marx lying down on a couch for "The Night After a Day at the Races," 1936. Silver gelatin, printed later, 11x14, estate stamped. Silver gelatin, printed later, 15x19, signed. © 1978 Ted Allan MPTV

About Julius Henry Marx

Soundtrack, Actor, Writer
Born: October 2, 1890
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5' 7½" (1.71 m)
Known for: Duck Soup (1933), A Night at the Opera (1935), Animal Crackers (1930), You Bet Your Life (1950)
Source: IMDB

The bushy-browed, cigar-smoking wise-cracker with the painted-on moustache and stooped walk was the leader of The Marx Brothers. With one-liners that were often double entendres, Groucho never cursed in any of his performances and said he never wanted to be known as a dirty comic. With a great love of music and singing (The Marx Brothers started ...
