Tom began to Cossack dance during a high school play, and kept it up for many years. (This was taken nine years after the play in which he wore this costume.) He has also ridden in Civil War cavalry re-enactments.

Tom began to Cossack dance during a high school play, and kept it up for many years. (This was taken nine years after the play in which he wore this costume.) He has also ridden in Civil War cavalry re-enactments.


About Picture

Caption: Tom began to Cossack dance during a high school play, and kept it up for many years. (This was taken nine years after the play in which he wore this costume.) He has also ridden in Civil War cavalry re-enactments.

About Tom Kovach

Actor, Miscellaneous Crew
Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Source: IMDB

Tom Kovach (rhymes with "watch") is an American actor and military technical advisor (MTA) living near Nashville, Tennessee. Tom's official hashtags are #TomKovach and #ExtraRISING. Tom is best known for the TV drama series Nashville (2012). In four seasons, so far, Tom has worked on 16 episodes. Born in 1958, Tom grew up in south Texas until age 14...
