Theatrical poster for "The Purest Heart (2013)," a film by Stephen Pytak, featuring an illustration by Sammy Gomez of actress Marion Elizabeth Smoot as "Love Doll/Jacki Rinehart." Copyright 2013 by Stephen Pytak.

Theatrical poster for


About Picture

Caption: Theatrical poster for "The Purest Heart (2013)," a film by Stephen Pytak, featuring an illustration by Sammy Gomez of actress Marion Elizabeth Smoot as "Love Doll/Jacki Rinehart." Copyright 2013 by Stephen Pytak.

About Flip

Composer, Music Department
Source: IMDB

Flip is a solo electronic musician and producer from Dublin, Ohio. In July 2012, he was commissioned by author/filmmaker Stephen Pytak to compose tracks for a short film, "Dancing Shadows (2012)," and its CD soundtrack. Flip's contributions include "Gauntlet," "The Ides of August," "Flip's Dark Mix" and "The Jenna-vieve Mix," featuring vocals by ...
