Jacqueline Marie Skidmore at the Red Carpet premiere of "Kiki Meets the Vampires" (with Paul Ford, Nick Pruitt, Amber Lodge, Dilynn Fawn Harvey, Chrissy Mountjoy, Luc A. Alvarez, and Joey Skidmore).

Jacqueline Marie Skidmore at the Red Carpet premiere of


About Picture

Caption: Jacqueline Marie Skidmore at the Red Carpet premiere of "Kiki Meets the Vampires" (with Paul Ford, Nick Pruitt, Amber Lodge, Dilynn Fawn Harvey, Chrissy Mountjoy, Luc A. Alvarez, and Joey Skidmore).

About Jacqueline Marie

Source: IMDB

Jacqueline Marie is a teenage, Kansas City model and actress, known for appearing in music videos by artists such as the Dum Dum Girls, and Ssion. She stars in the unreleased kids' film "Caruso and the Sword," as well as appearing in "Kiki Meets the Vampires," with pin-up model Chrissy Mountjoy and comedian Dale Hilton. Her modeling credits ...
