Kurt is the Vice President of the "Save the Whales Again" campaign, seen here in Alaska filming with Hayden Panatierre our Spokesperson. www.savethewhalesagain.org

Kurt is the Vice President of the


About Picture

Caption: Kurt is the Vice President of the "Save the Whales Again" campaign, seen here in Alaska filming with Hayden Panatierre our Spokesperson. www.savethewhalesagain.org

About Kurt Soderling

Camera Department, Visual Effects, Cinematographer
Born: April 20, 1964
Star sign: Taurus
Known for: Titanic (1997), Armageddon (1998), Independence Day (1996), The Rundown (2003)
Source: IMDB

Kurt Soderling is a director of photography of aerial units and second units in the feature film and television business for 20+ years. He has extensive hands on experience with Pictorvisions Eclipse, Spacecam, Cineflex, Cable Cam, Tyler, Continental, Astrovision, Vectorvision and a number of other very specialized camera systems. www.aerialdp.com ...
